Girls Soccer Rules!
The Grand Bahama Girls Developmental Soccer League, now under the name Grand Bahama Soccer Club, caters to girls from mature three-year-olds to those 18 years of age.
The older have the option of playing in the Champions League which is geared for 13-year-olds to adults (the majority are in high school or college).
Girls’ soccer makes an impact in the lives of many females on Grand Bahama Island. Many of our former players have their daughters in our program and so the members of those households carry on the tradition of our chant, “Girls’ soccer rules!”
(Runs from last Saturday in September through March)
Town and Country Kickin Cuties (3–5 yr olds) – 1.5-hour sessions.
We can accommodate 30 players.
Curly Tail Division (6–7 yr olds)
4 teams of 12 (play 4-a-side) 48 players
Chameleon Division (8–10 yr olds)
4 teams of 15 players
Gecko Division (11–12 yr olds)
4 teams of 15 players
Iguana Division (13–14 yr olds)
4 teams of 15 players
Komodo Division (15–18 yrs old)
4 teams of 18 players